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Mizutani's new series, a follow up to his "Tokyo Parrots" series, through which he rapidly received recognition, captures great cormorants, which have exploded in population in the suburbs of Tokyo. Unlike his previous works, this series appears nearly monotone despite being shot in color. He has captured the urban landscape, which has become peculiar due to the presence of these birds, in very graphic compositions that transform the landscape into a two dimensional world without perspectival depth.
In Mizutani's images, flocks of great cormorants perched on the overhead power lines, which are a ubiquitous element of the Tokyo sky, become silhouettes that resemble musical notes on a score. In fact, the book of the series was titled HANON in reference to the French piano instruction book.
作家の名を一躍世に広めた代表作『TOKYO PARROTS』の続編として、東京近郊に異常繁殖した川鵜を追った新作は、鮮やかな色彩が印象的だったこれまでの水谷作品とは一線を画し、カラーながらモノクロ写真のごとき白と黒のモノトーンの色調で表現されています。鳥の存在によって特異化した都市風景は、水谷の得意とするグラフィカルな構図によって切り取られ、遠近感覚を奪われた二次元世界へと変換されます。
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